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WING CHUN MAN Wooden Dummy diameter 20 cm
Rp 3.500.000 Disc 0% Rp 3.500.000
| Berat Pengiriman : 50 kg
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Rp 3.500.000 Disc 0% Rp 3.500.000
Protect Your Centerline, Focus, Direct & Clear Priority
“I fear not the man who practices 10,000 techniques once, but the man who practices one technique 10,000 times holds my respect.”
Wing Chun Dummy workouts assist you to grow all the skills you need to actualize wing chun’s avoid-using-force-against-force principle: right angle (of deflection), balance, accuracy, timing, mobility, positioning, speed, stream and power. and also some other skills and abilities.
It contains as much potential in training one to develop your visual and contact reflexes in the course of wing chun training. It does this simply by teaching a person the way to carry out blocks and strikes in relation with each other, therefore causing them to be nearly simultaneous dodge-and-counter combinations. In advance of you carry out your counterstrike, there is a short time of contact when your block deflects the arriving strike or the arm of the wooden dummy that symbolizes the limb of the adversary. This contact is usually the cue to carry out your attack. To people observing, however, your quick block and strike generally seems to appear to arrive just about simultaneously.
WING CHUN MAN Freestanding Wooden Dummy (Diameter 20 cm) International Export Quality
-Material: Kayu Mahoni di Oven dengan Kadar Air 8-12% (standar Ekspor)
-Body dan Tangan semua dibubut
-Finishing: Water based + Poly Urethane (tidak beracun)
oBody: 20 cm
oLebar: 60 cm
oDalam: 127 cm (dari belakang base s/d depan kaki)
oTinggi: 164 cm
-Berat: 50 Kg
-Warna: Coklat Tua Gloss
-Komponen Knocked Down:
oBody (Jong): 1 Buah
oDasar (Base): 1 Buah
oTangan Atas (Offset): 2 Buah
oTangan Bawah (Center): 1 Buah
oKaki: 1 Buah
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