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Mengenai dr. Mark Slavin:
Beliau adalah pakar terkemuka dunia untuk ilmu pengetahuan latihan beban, anatomi, dan mekanik olahraga. Selama 30 tahun terakhir, beliau telah memberikan presentasi, seminar, kuliah di lebih dari 72 negara dengan 10000 lebih murid. 1991-2000 menjabat sebagai Director of Education untuk National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Sekarang menjabat sebagai International Director untuk RTS, USA dan Presiden Kehormatan untuk International Personal-Training Academy (IPTA), Hong Kong.

In 1997, along with the aforementioned commitments, Dr. Slavin became the International Director for the Resistance Training Specialist programs (RTS) with the mission of expanding RTS into international markets. Over the decades this has evolved into his current full-time endeavor and is furthered through educational consulting roles with companies both domestic and international, which over the years have included Cybex International and Sports Art China.

Other noteworthy accomplishments include being named the honorary president of the International Personal Trainers Association (IPTA), a past member of the Exam Development Committee for the American Council on Exercise (ACE), advisory board member for, and various keynote presentations including the Malaysian National Sports Council Conference.

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Dr. Mark Slavin became one of the pioneers of fitness professional education when in 1990 he became the Executive Director of the first nationally recognized personal training certification, the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), founded in 1989. Since then has continued to be instrumental in the evolution of both education and certification in the personal training industry worldwide.

Like many individuals who become health care and exercise professionals, Dr. Slavin was involved in sports in his early years. An accomplished baseball player at a young age, he was offered the opportunity to assist in coaching and teaching at baseball camps around the US while still in high school in the suburbs of Chicago. Shortly after entering university his interest shifted to powerlifting, a sport that is still 'in his blood' .

His interest in the human body and achieving and maintaining optimum levels of musculoskeletal function and performance precipitated his interest in chiropractic.

Following Chiropractic school and several years in private practice, Dr. Slavin was recruited to play a directorship role at NASM. He was then instrumental in founding and establishing NASM Asia when NASM expanded into Hong Kong in 1992. Changing its name in 2001 to the Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals (AASFP), this organization has become the largest certification in Asia.

Evolving away from his participation in certifications and into a purely hands-on educational role, Dr. Slavin became the Senior Consultant with Esquerre Fitness Consultants, one of the most highly regarded consulting firms focusing on the business, management, and ongoing education of fitness professional personnel in the industry. For over 20 years Esquerre Fitness Consultants was instrumental in helping numerous health club chains grow their personal training departments into multimillion-dollar profit centers.

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BINARAGA.NET Menyediakan pelatihan fisik yang tepat dan efektif sesuai kebutuhan dan tujuan masing-masing individu yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi anatomi individu seperti besar tulang rusuk, panjang tulang, mekanisme pergerakan, jarak jangkauan pergerakan, fleksibilitas sendi, titik tumpu, arah serabut otot, arah resistensi beban. Pelatihan kami berfokus untuk tidak pernah melanggar norma-norma sendi yang ada dan menyesuaikan dengan hukum alam tubuh manusia. Untuk informasi lengkap atau mengikuti pelatihan RTS yang kami adakan silahkan kunjungi

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